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Ice Slicer

IceSlicer is an all-natural high-performance granular de-icer. IceSlicer is a mined product that is naturally
harder than regular road salt, yet still softer than sand. IceSlicer is available in many different formulas, so please review what is available to fit your specific needs.

IceSlicer RS — Stream-run fine to extra coarse 3/8″, IceSlicer RS is ideal for use in general highway and street de-icing. With anti-caking and anti-freezing agents added, IceSlicer RS is best applied in a V-box spreader and may be stored outdoors.

IceSlicer Medium — is 100% screened to medium coarseness. This almost dust-free product is produced for use as a packaged de-icer and may be applied using any spreader or by hand. Indoor storage is recommended for IceSlicer Medium.

IceSlicer Superblend — is an intermediate fine-to-course de-icer that may be applied using any spreader. Designed to provide optimal traction (staying power) and de-icing capability (melting power), IceSlicer Superblend should be stored indoors.

IceSlicer Elite — is a specially formulated blend containing IceSlicer with other ingredients like Caliber
De-icer. Corrosion inhibited to protect equipment and structural steel, IceSlicer Elite melts at higher snow volumes and lower temperatures than conventional de-icers. With superior snow and ice penetration, IceSlicer Elite will meet PNS specifications and is best applied using a V-box spreader.

Uses or Application
IceSlicer is an environmentally friendly, low-corrosion de-icing product used to break the bond of snow and ice from roadways, walkways, driveways, and parking lots.

Why Use a Solid De-icing Product
Liquid chemicals can be a valuable anti-icing addition to the winter maintenance tool box, but there are several reasons to transition to IceSlicer as soon as there is enough accumulated precipitation to hold the product to the road.

When applied to the roadway IceSlicer’s natural grit behaves like sand and provides improved traction.

IceSlicer is a 100% active product which means it takes longer to dilute and there is less clean up. On average, it costs more than $100 per ton to clean up sand used in traditional de-icing practices. Because less product is required per lane mile, trucks can travel more lane miles per load, allowing you to de-ice the roads more quickly, decrease fuel costs, reduce wear on equipment, and avoid overtime costs.

Because Iceslicer melts snow and ice more effectively, your roadways can be cleared more quickly. Providing a safer road in less time helps prevent serious accidents and creates less concern over liability issues.

Melting more snow and ice more quickly allows service to secondary roads sooner. Previous customer complaints diminish as secondary roadways and neighborhoods are serviced. In addition to the longer-lasting results, your customers are sure to notice IceSlicer’s distinctive darker coloration on their roadways. Resident complaints decline because they can see when their road has been treated.


Contact us today for a free snow removal estimate for your commercial parking & sidewalk needs. MetroSnow Contractors does not service residential homes. (816) 270-2070

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